Yours Truly
♥ xinhui
She's always happily residing away in a quiet corner of the ONIONS' nest, where almost all of the world's best buds can be found in :) HAPPY & CHEERFUL (though sometimes she can get real LAME or SILLY) + an all-time 24/7 ANIMAL LOVER, you'll always find her having both eyes glued to those lovely earth creatures. haha :D
& as life goes on, she's found that SEAGULLS' another group of pals whom she can relate her problems to. Totally obsessed with that two-digit number, she just can't help but put #14 on every jersey she owns. No matter how good or bad things are, she promises to clear a little space in her heart for her most beloved VOLLEY, just like she'd done so too for BLUE, MATHS, STARS & naturally without doubt, that really really special SOMEONE... x) yay!
to you with love
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missing you lots
hello there
reliving those memories
utmost heartfelt thanks