I Wish I Was Special.
Yours Truly
♥ xinhui
She's always happily residing away in a quiet corner of the ONIONS' nest, where almost all of the world's best buds can be found in :) HAPPY & CHEERFUL (though sometimes she can get real LAME or SILLY) + an all-time 24/7 ANIMAL LOVER, you'll always find her having both eyes glued to those lovely earth creatures. haha :D
& as life goes on, she's found that SEAGULLS' another group of pals whom she can relate her problems to. Totally obsessed with that two-digit number, she just can't help but put #14 on every jersey she owns. No matter how good or bad things are, she promises to clear a little space in her heart for her most beloved VOLLEY, just like she'd done so too for BLUE, MATHS, STARS & naturally without doubt, that really really special SOMEONE... x) yay!
to you with love
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missing you lots
hello there
reliving those memories
utmost heartfelt thanks
Thursday, July 31, 2008
haha... =) whee~LIFE SIENCE LESSON + ZHIQI (& her house :P) + GLORIA + WEIQI + ENVELOPE + SEAGULLS + VOLLEY = OWNAGE + ♥ LOVED FOREVER !!haha... just can't do without these in life. so yup :P rah... cheers !! haha.PS. taggy replies:weiqi: kays... no problem =) but would you rather poke me 50 then i poke you back 100 times, or would you rather i poke you 100 - 50 = 50 times eh? :P haha. jkjk. no offence though... but you STILL owe me 100 pokes for saying that! rah... kaiting: haha =) thanks lots girl, 4 all your concern these few days. thank you thank you thank you! whee~ cheers... YOU ROCK ALL THE MORE! haha x)venessa: hi girl! :D haha...jafie: ok. that's it man (errs... i meant girl :P) i'm gonna make sure i poke you till you become NOT immune then you know. hmm! haha... jkjk :P no offence though. cheers =)
4:46 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008
malu- ed for like about 2 times straight in a row today :P haha... so paisei paisei. but thanks guys, so so soooooo much for your concern. 我现在 ok 了, if you do get what i mean !! ;) whee~ haha. YOU GUYS TOTALLY OWN EVERYTHING !! yay !! cheers... :D haha.PS. taggy replies:weiqi: yar lar, weiqi! trying to priase yourcelf only! :P haha. jkjk. no offence though. & yup. you're right. mr bercury's mean mean mean! for that, guess what? I'M GONNA MAKE HIM OWE ME 30 POKES! what ya think? ;) haha... high- 5 girl! whee~gloria: yup. hi BIGGIE MEANIE! haha... :D jkjk. no offence though.gloria: thanks girl! =) smiles!gloria: ok fine! you good mah... haha :P peanut: yay! i'm glad you're ok now. smile more kays? & dun look so gloomy yeah? you'll look better if you smile =) so yup! cheese... haha.kaiting: thanks girl for yor concern! YOU ROCK LOTS & LOTS! haha... :D smiles!jafie: yup jafie. you're right! :D choose me! choose me! haha... :P cheers!weiqi: hey thanks girl so so sooooo much for everything today! :D haha. & yup. hopefully, there ain't gonna be anymore injuries 了. hopefully. i'm crossing my fingers now ;)
6:09 AM
Friday, July 25, 2008
life IS beautiful. & so is the movie. haha... =) watched it with another 6 onions at the LT1 for the second time already, so yup. i can't deny that we all went for volley training later than usual :P glad coach was in a rather good mood today (perhaps because of the guys), but never mind. at least he didn't push us too hard for the next 2 hours... yay !! it was fun, laughter & PURE enjoyment x) haha. & even if coach DID scold, guess what ?? i wouldn't have cared any more or less. cos you know why ?? seagulls' company's another beautiful thing... :DPS. taggy replies:gloria: MEAN GLOR! still calling me a 信封! MEAN MEAN MEAN! :P haha...kaiting: haha. never mind one lar. better late than never right? smiles... =)
7:12 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
went to Sungei Buloh Wetland Nature Reserve & it was FUN, FUN, FUN !! whee~ haha. & guess what ?? their crappy technology somehow made everything seem so so sooooo perfect when glor & me finally learnt to use it at the end of the day =) so yup. yay !! haha... cheers !!some pics we took at the wetland reserve:
one of the few crabs we spotted... x)
part of the large mangrove at the wetland reserve =)
the crappy barcodes which cost us a whole lot of time :P haha...
& one of the bestest bestest bestest scenery which we saw at the wetland reserve :D
8:15 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
it really aches my heart to see everyone leaving... :'( but camy, debi & kaixi, do 加油 for your O levels this year yeah ?? you guys make the bestest bestest bestest SLs & section 4 members !! all the best... YOU PEOPLE OWN !! ;)why do good things always end this way, just like rainbows which would fade one day... ??PS. taggy replies:
jafie: haha, jafie x) you 1 biggie joker. kay. i'll try my best to enlarge it yeah? try... :P jafie: yup. i'm bored with those too :( but any other suggestions? haha. cos i simply can't seem to be able to squeeze out anymore new ideas 了. yikes! :Pgloria: x) haha. thanks for tagging! cheese...gloria: yup. no prob! =) whee~ haha...peanut: great idea! why didn't i think of that eh...? :P haha. ziqin: yar lar you ar, ziqin! you really scared me to death. thought you were really really angry with me :'( yikes! haha...
6:11 AM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NIGEL ONG !! YOU'RE ANOTHER YEAR OLDER 了 !! haha... =) all the best for choir & 加油 in everything you do yeah ?? do smile more too !! cheers....
5:54 AM
Friday, July 18, 2008
i'm so glad we did it in the end... =) you guys totally own.
PS. taggy replies:
weiqi: haha =) where got lor...? don't come & suan me ok? rah...
gloria: x)
venessa: yay! glad you finally did! ok. since you're so nice, i'll give you a choice -- you wanna be the rock or the paper? haha :D jkjk. no offence though...
peanut: yup :) i'm glad we did too! ONIONS OWN EVERYTHING! haha... =)
peanut: pls lor. where got? i think among the whole team, i'm like the slackest, the lousiest can? you big suan- er! haha :P jkjk. no offence though. to KAHYONG THE SUPER LIBERO, cheers... x)yup. i guess you ARE right. those memories ?? they own...
9:50 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
random. haha :PPS. taggy replies:peanut: haha :) is it better now? but it was good playing today eh...? whee~ i'm high 了. haha...weiqi: hi weiqi! you finally taggy me! yay! =) haha... & thx. will taggy u back asap yeah? yup. & kahyong's mean! he's a SUPER DUPER MEGA MEGA BIGGIE BIGGIE MEANIE! haha... x)gloria: oh please lor... who's the real brainy we're talking about here eh...? GLORIA THE BIGGIE MEANIE BRAINY! haha :) yay! you rock, i paper. jkjk.gloria: awwww... sorry lor. i'll promise 2 taggy you asap. fair enough? ;)gloria: ok. yup. i just did, didn't i? :D cheers...peanut: yup ok. sure! cheese... :)gloria: haha :D ok. ok. my fault. sorry...gloria: yup. kept my promise of tagging 10 taggys x) check ur blog & count them all! smiles! :) yay! haha...jafie: MEAN JAFIE! keep calling me an envelope! what else have you learn from that biggie meanie gloria eh...? :P haha. jkjk.weiqi: haha :D thanks so so so sooooo much girl! YOU ROCK! whee~ haha...ziqin: yup. i guess that's the only choice left. sorry but you've no choice except to stick to me :P haha. jkjk...ziqin: yup. but i just don't wanna admit that i'll miss them badly... :'(ziqin: ok. will linkie you asap! promise! haha :) smiles!calista: ok. i'll try to make them big big big! haha... ;)gloria: nope. none at all... :'( sorry.gloria: haha :D never mind one lar. yeah girl? smiles!gloria: whee~ thanks!gloria: yups. same to you too! yay! :D cheers...gloria: ok. no prob! glad you know it too! haha :P jkjk.gloria: so how many pokes do ya owe me now...? ;)gloria: smile smile smile! yay! haha :) :D x)jafie: heys jafie! :) thanks thanks thanks so much! ONIONS WON'T EVER LET YOU DOWN, GIRL! haha... good game too yeah? you rock, i paper! haha... :P jkjk.
6:24 AM
Friday, July 11, 2008
ok yay !! =) there's more good news coming up -- we just won MD in volley inter- class !!
whoots~ great job onions !! U GUYS ROCK ENTIRELY !! haha... x) & of course, millions & millions AND another millions of thx 2 those who turned up 2 support us, regardless of whether u ponned CCA halfway (yikes !! :P) or purposely stayed back just 2 show us ur support, esp javier, kaiting, xinzi, chinyee, sheila & a million more onions who turned up but there's just too many 2 name (sorry guys if i didn't include ur name in here :'( but just know -- we know that u had turned up & are still thankful for it !! cheers... ) THANK U GUYS SO SO SOOOOO MUCH !! we couldn't have won without u too !! haha. anyways, stayed back & waited until like almost 6pm b4 the rest of the onions 2 come play with us. =) got really really high when they came & we kept cracking jokes until we couldn't stop laughing. here's 1:poyang: 我脚踩到柠檬。gaoxiang/timothy (not very sure): 你脚很酸。
the rest of us: hahahahahaha... :D
got really super high & we played till the sun almost set (around 7pm) & was finally ordered by the teacher 2 go home. haha :P but at least we enjoyed ourselves. after that, glor & me walked wih gaoxiang, poyang, tim & szemin 2 the bus stop. (& thanks so much gaoxiang 4 u- know- what !! haha :D) at 1st, we agreed 2 take the same bus home but it somehow seem 2 take forever 2 come. so the rest left 1st while glor waited for her dad 2 fetch & me, the bus. i thought i'll be going home alone, but who knows that at the next bus stop, i met gaoxiang on the bus !! ;) haha. after that, chatted with him till he had 2 alight. then once more, that lonely feeling came...i simply hated it.it's great to know that the air around here has finally cleared. i find it so much easier to breathe now. it's all over now, i tell myself. it's all over...
4:15 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
haha =) today was totally crap crap crap. cos everyone suddenly started taking out their handphones & prank call each other right under the teacher's nose !! & guess what ?? we made it so obvious but still, mrs lim didn't even catch any of us !! really ar... so when i left school, i got like 4 calls from poyang, 9 from chairman, 3 from pearl... haha :D but i just can't stop laughing when i think back about it now...
oh. & one more thing: onions will be having a match against MD tomorrow. so, if there's any supporters who can make it in time to cheer for us, here's the various details you guys would probably need:
activity -- volley inter- class
date -- 11 July 2008
time -- 4.00pm - 4.25pm (estimated time against MD)
venue -- outdoor volleyball court
open to -- everyone :D
hope to see you there !! cheers =) & wish us luck, of course...PS. taggy replies:jeanette: hi JEANETTE THE PRO- ER ROCKER! haha :P kay. maybe i'll try 2 change it asap yeah? & you too! rock on girl! :) smiles...peanut: haha :Dgloria: yup. you're so right! we're gonna own all man, BIGGIE MEANIE GLOR! haha :P jkjk. no offence towards anyone though... yikes!gloria: yup. you finally did! whee~ & guess what? your taggy really cheers me up lots! so yay...! haha =)gloria: 3 big smiles for you too -- :D :D :D haha... glor, YOU ROCK MAN!
it hurts my heart & i yearn to see you smile real badly. but if she can make you do so instead, i don't see any reason why shouldn't i just let her be... ??
6:57 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
haha :D yay onions !! it's been a really really great match against CR today, even though it couldn't have lasted for more than 15 minutes at least... !! yikes !! haha x) anyways, i'm glad that we've won so yup. 3 cheers & 3 cheers & 3 cheers for ALL onions:
hip hip HOORRAAYYY !!
hip hip HOORRAAYYY !!
hip hip HOORRAAYYY !!
haha x) but you guys must all continue to 加油 for the rest of the matches, yeah ?? would that be alright onions, the very love of my life ??
PS. onions, take out your guns !! pew pew !! pew pew !! whee~ haha... :P
6:18 AM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
there's volley inter- class tomorrow & glor just told me she's getting cold feet AND hands !! haha :) but glor, don't worry kays ?? cos... WE'LL OWN IT ALL, GIRL !! we'll own it all... :) yay !! cheers...PS. taggy replies:venessa: yay! you finally taggy AND linkie me! whoots~ haha... =) and you too, must 加油加油 in volley & him kays? cheers...gloria: haha x) & it seems that you're the only BIGGIE MINI (meanie) i like being around with... kays. haha :P jkjk. no offence to any1 though, esp the BIGGIE MINI (meanie) GLORIA! smiles!GX: heys gaoxiang! haha :D smiles...venessa: hi! kay lar. i'll 算 as you've passed the nice nice test. what you think eh...? haha :Pvenessa: hmm. poke lor... but remember my little secret: i'm NOT scared of pokes anymore? yeah? haha x)venessa: yay! finally! haha :) kay lor. at the most, i'll 算 that you've passed the 'super fast' test too. so, what you think of it eh? haha :P cheers...peanut: yups. you're right! cos ONIONS SO DAMN ROCK THE VEGES, MAN! haha... x) whee~
5:54 AM
Monday, July 7, 2008
yay !! my 100th post !! whee~ haha =) anyways, pple: HAPPY YOUTH DAY !! whoots~ haha =) enjoy your day...
PS. taggy replies:
peanut: yup. you're so so so right... so there. give me a high- 5 kays? haha :P jkjk. no offence 2wards anyone, especially jafie!
GX: why "miao~" out of all words eh? haha =) thought over it for quite some time but still can't find a good answer lehs... :P smiles!
gloria (tag 1): haha :D you're one BIGGIE MINI (meanie)! but anyways, thx for tagging! yay... :) cheers.
gloria (tag 2): yup. but it wasn't only "fun"... you forgot 2 add in the words "super duper uber uber fun"! yay... ;) haha.
gloria (tag 3): haha :) same to you too! yay... =) smiles forever & rock on, yeah onion?
gloria (tag 4): yup. we all know that cos... YOU'RE A BIGGIE MINI (meanie) :D haha...
gloria (tag 5): yeah man! (errs... i meant lady) in fact, we're gonna own EVERYTHING right? haha =) yippeee...
gloria (tag 6): ok. fine. i shan't deny that... :P haha.
gloria (tag 7): omg! how did ya know i was about 2 say this? omg! i just found out -- glor's not only a biggie mini (meanie), she's a mind reader too! haha x) to put everything in short, glor's no doubt a BIGGIE MINI (meanie) MIND READER! yay! :Dgloria (tag 8): yar lar, glor you. everyday only know how 2 PHANG- sei me one... :'( yes! i said it b4 you did! 3 cheers to me! haha :P jkjk. no offence though...gloria (tag 9): yeah sure! :) btw, i just did. yay... :Dgloria (tag 10): haha :) you ar... i was only joking about the 10 tags thingy & who knows you really did it? you are one funny bunny alright! but anyways, thx lots for tagging! have a nice nice day too! whoots~peanut: oh. is there? cos i can't seem 2 find it leh... haha :) jkjk. no offence but 4 your info, i'm keeping my lips sealed! whee~kaiting: yay! you finally tagged! haha :D thanks lots! yippeee...gloria: wierd. how come you & peanut always see things which i can't find 1 eh...? :P haha. jkjk. no offence though, but i'm keeping my lips sealed! sshhh...
9:35 PM
Friday, July 4, 2008
had training after school 2day though it was super duper slack cos midway, we had 2 go 4 some CCA photo- taking thingy... haha :P & the guys were like really really funny lor. instead of just saying 1 word of "cheese", they came up with all these wierd wierd quotes that made everyone laugh till their stomaches hurt (even the cameraman couldn't help smiling his head off !!) . haha...anyways, met yongming (who was on duty) while doing 'stamina' with kahbing. that guy ar, really another biggie joker can ?? haha :) it went like:(yongming walking past, heading towards innosphere.)yongming: hi. haha :Dme: errs... hi :) (then i waved my hand at him. then kahbing suddenly threw the ball to me & i couldn't 接 cos i was still saying 'hi' to him & wasn't prepared at all.)yongming: huh. see lar. never 准备好 hor ?? 是不是忙着看帅哥 eh... ??kahbing + me: hahaha... :Pthen the 12 of us played till about 7.00 pm, with onions (glor, tim, poyang, gaoxiang, szemin & me) against seagulls (jafie, huimin, julliana, weining, 1 teacher & senior jiaxin...) haha =) WE OWNED EVERYTHING MAN !! & timothy, gaoxiang & poyang couldn't stop making every1 laugh with all their wierd & whacky moves. really ar, are all guys always like that one eh ?? haha x) anyways, hopefully, we'll own like that too, in volley inter- class yeah ?? haha. cheers... =)PS. & 2 all lovely onions who're participating in this inter- class: i want u 2 know that, even though this time round it's gonna be a tough fight, but no matter what happens, whatever the outcome may be, as long as we've stuck it through as a team till the end, there's no knowing how much we'll get in return. it may be mutual trust, it may be the championships. but those aren't the most important things simply bcos, THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE AIN'T THINGS. PSPS.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YANZHAN !! smiles... :D yay !! haha. but on somedays when i try to get his attention, his eyes would seem so far away...
6:55 AM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
i'm really really really very sorry. but i still cannot figure out, why must you give me that great big bubble of hope before bursting it once again... why ?? i totally don't understand. what's the point after all ?? :'(i couldn't even tell for myself the difference between the hot teardrops flowing from my eyes & the cool water splashing onto my face...
PS. taggy replies...peanut: yup =) you're right. volley not only rules, it also rocks & own everything else!peanut: haha :) but winning's not everything right? however, it's a good match though... yay! hooray for b boys & b girls! gx: haha =) thanks.gx: but if the tag b4 that is NOT from the bottom of your heart, then you're right -- "you're so mean!" :P haha... jafie: don't hate. don't hate. cos it's quite obvious mah... only 旁观者清. so must listen to me yeah...? :P ok. jkjk. no offence or anything though... haha x)
6:00 AM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
heys szemin !! =) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GIRL !! haha. you're one year older 了. but whatever it is, just enjoy your b'day & all the best in whatever you do yeah ?? smile more too kays, lady ?? yay... x) cheers !!
5:54 AM