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Friday, February 29, 2008

last lesson 4 the day was art & we were supposed 2 paint a potrait of our friend (even though it doesn't look like 1. who's got friends with purple hair & orange skin anyways ?? haha... :P) then somehow or another, glor dropped her mini ball- like eraser & we all couldn't find it. but in the end, guess where it was ?? i discovered it in MY SHOE !! & we all laughed like... real hard ??

no choice 4 us. had 2 stay back 4 a movie screening experience (War of the worlds) cos chris said it's compulsory. so there, at 1.45pm, we were all quietly gathering at the audi waiting 4 the movie 2 start.

directed by steven speilburg, the storyline wasn't too bad. quite interesting, if u ask me (but dunno y so many peeps left even b4 the show ended.) it's about this guy & his daughter & son, running away from some wierdo robotic monsters, which so seem 2 enjoy sucking pple's blood. wierd...

& as i watch & watch & got pretty absorbed by the storyline, i got shocks from pearl 2 times. omg !! 2 times... she was like (purposely choosing the scary moments) from the back sunddenly shouting, 'xinhui !!' & there i was, jumping out of my skin. haha... xD now looking back, how silly can i get ??

but unlike me, this glor was like sms- ing the whole way. (2 some1, i guess...) hugging her volley & drinking her water. wierd. cos i thought she wouldn't drink any if given a choice... haha :)

anyways, after the show, wanted 2 go 4 training initially but who knows mr tay told us there wasn't any at all ?? so no choice, we all packed our stuff & quickly left 4 home...

3:18 AM

Friday, February 22, 2008

school ended at 1.15 pm so me & glor waited in class 4 ju since hers ended @ 1.45 pm. crapped lots with zihan & nigel b4 she finally came. then we talked somemore until some1's bf (u know who i'm talking 'bout right, glor ??) called her 2 meet him in 2MD. then we went 4 training 2gether.

had 1 of the most enjoyable volley training in years 2day :) that's nice. cos weining & felicia & kahbing & venessa sure came up with some crazy puzzles 2 tickle the little tummies & work those brain cells of ours. haha. i wonder how we'll fare in the upcoming common tests since we've like..., used it all up ?? ok i'm jkjk- ing xD

anyways, did training with the sec 1s after completing the usual 3 sets of sit- up, push- up & leg raise. did the jumping thingy & medicine ball too, & it sure was funny seeing every1 rack their brain cells just 2 figure the answers :) haha, esp glor who still couldn't solve the number riddle after every1 had done so. but i'm glad, & so is she, she's finally solved it. yay !! haha...

the whole training, we played lots, talked lots, & laughed lots too :) the atmosphere was just simply so light, u couldn't stop laughing. we played among ourselves 4 a little more, racked our brains a little longer, b4 we finally 解散 .

i left 4 home with ju, happy & tired-- but i'd rather it'd stay this way...

PS. to rack your brains a little, try to guess:
[1] weining went 2 felicia's b'day and brought along several items: Chocolates, Apples, Kangaroo and Ecstacy. What else did she bring ??

Answer: CAKE. Chocolate, Apple, Kangaroo, Ecstacy. u got it ??

[2] Fuzzy Wuzzy likes green, but doesn't like red. Likes swimming, but doesn't like sports. Likes beetles but doesn't like insects. so what exactly does Fuzzy Wuzzy like ??

Answer: Fuzzy Wuzzy likes grEEn, swiMMing & bEEtles, cos they've all got 2 letters of the same in each word. u solved that ??

10:14 PM

Sunday, February 17, 2008

finally found another day which the most number of peeps are born in -- 17 february !! oh great !! haha :) anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all the birthday pple: carolyn, zihan and valerie !! wish ya guys all the best in everything you do and smile always, kays ?? haha... happy birthday to you :)

8:28 PM

Thursday, February 14, 2008

On a rather special and unique day like this, when you can finally show your love and appreciation to someone you truly care for, let me wish you a really HAPPY VALENTINES' DAY !!

PS. thanks everyone for your nice nice gifts. loved them lots :) thanks

7:49 PM

Saturday, February 9, 2008

stayed out almost the whole day at sentosa beach b4 going 2 vivo city. woo- hoo... !! from about 10 am till 4 pm, most of us got sun burnts all over our body by the time we reached home. yikes !! xD played volleyball the whole day, while the beach's sand cruelly 'grilled' our already- scorched feets...

from 1 end of the beach 2 the other, we each took turns in pairs or groups, slowly strolling 2 the nearest 7- eleven (almost all the way at the entrance) 2 get some drinks 4 every1. ahhh... we laughed & opened our hearts, talking about some of the funniest to the saddest moments of our lifes, as topics jumped from here to there, & back all over again. and suddenly, i realised that i didn't really know jafie all along... i was just getting 2 know her better.

volley, volley & more volley... !! we nearly played the game in all sorts of methods we could think of -- in the water, 4 pple on each side instead of the usual 6, playing with those who wanted 2 play with us, etc. the sun was scorching madly as we took turns 2 waddle in the crystal clear waters of the beach 2 'calm down' our piping hot feets... but best of all, as we played, i remember cradling my stomache as i tried hard 2 control my laughter that refused 2 keep in.

it wasn't all girls who attended & i recall the times when we girls bullied the 2 guys (ping cheong and zheng kai) who came by making them pick up all the balls we dropped, either in the sea or out of the volley court... in the end, i bet they got more exercise then the total combine of ours !! haha xD but thx lots, ping cheong & zheng kai, 4 being such a gentlemen !!

we got real red like cooked lobster around 4 plus, so we packed & took the monorail 2 vivo city, where we'd have our lunch- cum- dinner. crapped lots along the way and exchanged the various photos we took. ate at SuperDog until say, about 6.00 pm..., b4 we unwillingly left our seats. glor & me then waited 4 like... 30 minutes b4 ju & weining finished their window shopping b4 we were finally able 2 take the MRT home, happy but tired :)

"Seagulls are meant to soar high in the sky..."
-- huimin

5:00 AM

Thursday, February 7, 2008

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR, EVERYONE !! haha x) have a great great year ahead...

PS. thanks jafie 4 ur '红包'. the sweets were sweet !! haha...

11:10 PM

Friday, February 1, 2008

no idea why 2day there were so many 1st feb babies suddenly appearing... i all along thought that august was the month with most pple's birthdays. haha xD anyways...

shuk kan -- stay happy and smile more kays ?? u make a great maths rep and st. john's medic !! hope ur liverpool group will win lots of matches this time round. haha

pearl -- remian forever adorable, lively and bubbly this year kays ?? don't let mr davmoni scold u all those horrible words like yesterday anymore alright... ?? it doesn't sound very nice one leh... haha

ziqin -- just be the carefree and cheerful ziqin i know kays ?? laugh more too... and try your very best 2 steer clear of that 杨老师 cos you should know her wierd temper very well by now right... ?? just try, promise me. haha

and not forgetting the one very important message: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHUK KAN, PEARL & ZIQIN !! happy birthday...

6:40 AM